Ref. 1016- USED ROGNINI FROM 1980 para bolsas papel (paper bags)
- Manufacturer: Rognini
- Year: 1980
- Type: Tuber
- year of construction: before 1980
- tube width: 30 – 65
- cutting length: 50 – 135
- cuting systems: flash cut
- number of plies: 3
- max paper/print widths: 122/117 cm
- paper stand diameter: 120
- speed: 80 – (mechanical 90) depending on the size of the bags, experience of operators etc. etc..
- format gears: 53, 58, 61, 65, 69, 76, 78, 79, 81, 84, 86, 87, 90, 93, 96, 97, 100, 105, 111, 115, 118, 122, 124 i 128 cm.
- in-line printer: 4 color
- Printing cylinders: 61 65 69 76 78 81 84 86 90 96 100 105 111 115 118 122 124 cm, cliche thiknes 2,84 mm
- Pieces:4444413343 3 4 4 4 4 2 1